1.1 Pound
Warrior Chick® is the ultimate protein powder!
A complete plant-based superfood formula that is organic, non-GMO, non-toxic, vegan, and raw!
This product is far superior to animal-based proteins, which form high uric acid that contributes to osteoporosis, gout, arthritis, lack of energy, acidic body chemistry, kidney damage, aging, and more. As a plant-based protein, Warrior Chick® is easier to absorb and assimilate, and therefore, you need less actual protein.
Pea Protein Concentrate◊∞, Sprouted Brown Rice Concentrate◊∞, Mesquite Pod◊∞, Vanilla Bean Extract◊∞, Nopal Cactus Leaf◊∞, Healthy Chick Flower Essence Blend™°, and Girl Power!
◊ Organic ° Wildcrafted ∞ TruGanic™
Enjoy getting in touch with your true Warrior Chick® nature!