1.1 Pound

An amazing array of green grasses, sea vegetables, and other superfoods, dried at a low temperature to retain the life force, enzymes, and other heat-sensitive elements. This is a power-packed way to start your day!

100% Vegan, Raw, Gluten-Free, and non-GMO!

100% Organic or Wildcrafted (without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers)!


Spirulina∞, Chlorella◊∞, Kelp Leaf◊º∞, Dulse Leaf◊º∞, Nori Leaf º∞, Nettle Leaf◊∞, Carob Pod◊∞, Alfalfa Leaf◊∞, Barley Grass Leaf◊∞, Wheat Grass Leaf◊∞, Horsetail Aerial◊∞, Parsley Leaf◊∞, Ginger Root◊∞, Barley Grass Leaf Juice◊∞, Basil Leaf◊∞, Oat Grass Leaf Juice◊∞, Dandelion Leaf◊∞, Moringa Leaf◊∞, Amla Berry Fruit◊∞, Holy Basil Leaf◊∞, Healthy Chick Flower Essence Blend™, and Girl Power!

◊ Organic ° Wildcrafted ∞ TruGanic™

I like mine mixed in fresh-squeezed organic orange juice. Better than coffee! – KS

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 6 in